
Fishing allows you to fish. These fish can later be cooked (using cooking). The better your fishing level, the better fish you can fish and the more hitpoints they will heal after being cooked. Different fish must be fished with different tools.

Information about different fish:
Name Fishing lvl Fishing exp Healing Tool / Bite
Shrimp 1 10 3 Net
Sardine 5 20 4 Fishing rod + Bait
Herring 10 30 5 Fishing rod + Bait
Anchovy 15 40 1 Net
Trout 20 50 7 Fly fishing rod + Feather
Pike 25 60 8 Fishing rod + Bait
Salmon 30 70 9 Fly fishing rod + Feather
Tuna 35 80 10 Harpoon
Lobster 40 90 12 Lobster cage
Swordfish 50 100 14 Harpoon